Resources for further study

Team Publications

Cole, Jean Lee. “The Celebrities of John Street.” Bolton Hill Bulletin, July/August 2018.

Cole, Jean Lee (with Sydney Johnson and Marina Fazio). “Christine Ladd-Franklin, a Scientist from Bolton Hill.” Bolton Hill Bulletin, April 2018.

Flynn, Hunter. “What We Lost in the Fire.” Maryland Historical Society Underbelly blog, Sept. 20, 2017.

Johnson, Sydney. “Miss Henrietta Szold: A Jewish Idealist in the WLCB.” Maryland Historical Society Underbelly blog, Feb. 22, 2018.

Requardt, Cynthia. Wikipedia page for the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore. Published May 29, 2018.

Reference Works

Shepherd, Henry E. The Representative Authors of Maryland. NY: Whitehall, 1911. (see esp. Ch. 7 on Women Authors, starting on p. 114).

Mott, Frank Luther. The History of American Magazines. 5 Vols. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1930- .

Secondary Sources


Beasley, Maurine H. and Sheila J. Gibbons. Taking Their Place: A Documentary History of Women and Journalism. Washington, DC: American University Press, 1993. LND PN4888.W65 B45 1993

Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.

Bernstein, Susan David. Roomscape: Women Writers in the British Museum from George Eliot to Virginia Woolf. University of Edinburgh Press, 2014.

Clifford, James, ed. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. Preview available via Google Books.

Cole, Jean Lee. “True Women and the New Woman.” 2017. Google slides presentation.

Cremin, Lawrence. Transformation of the School: Progressivism and Early Childhood Education. NY: Vintage, 1964.

Fahs, Alice. Out on Assignment: Newspaper Women and the Making of Modern Public Space. Raleigh: University of North Carolina Press, 2011. (Can read at JHU in library or check out with my card; also online at Towson U library; or request via ILL.)

Lamphere, Louise. “Unofficial Histories: A Vision of Anthropology from the Margins.” American Anthropologist 106.1 (2004): 126-139.

Lascarides, V. Celia, and Blythe Hinitz. History of Early Childhood Education. NY: Falmer, 2000.

Magnusson, Sigurdur Gylfi. “What is Microhistory?History News Network, May 7, 2006. Web.

McGerr, Michael. A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America. NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010.

Schneider, Dorothy and Carl. American Women in the Progressive Era, 1900-1920: Change, Challenge and the Struggle for Women’s Rights. NY: Anchor, 1993.

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America. NY: Oxford University Press, 1985. See especially chapters “Bourgeois Discourse and the Progressive Era”; “The Hysterical Woman”; and “The New Woman as Androgyne.”

Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985. Print.

Rosenberg, Rosalind. Beyond Separate Spheres: Intellectual Roots of Modern Feminism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.

Welter, Barbara. “The Cult of True Womanhood.” American Quarterly 18.2 (Summer 1966): 151-74.

———. Dimity Convictions: The American Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1977.

Women’s clubs and book clubs

Burger, Pamela. “Women’s Groups and the Rise of the Book Club,” JSTOR Daily, Aug. 12, 2015.

Gere, Anne Ruggles. Intimate Practices: Literacy and Cultural Work in U.S. Women’s Clubs, 1880-1920. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997.

Long, Elizabeth. Book Clubs: Women and the Use of Reading in Everyday Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Parker, Alison M. “Clubwomen, Reformers, Workers, and Feminists of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era,” ch. 7 of Women’s Rights: People and Perspectives, ed. Crista DeLuzio and Peter C. Mancall. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010

Literary history and genre criticism

Barreca, Regina. “Introduction–‘Untamed and Unabashed’: Towards a Theory of Women and Humor in Literature.” Untamed and Unabashed: Essays on Women and Humor in British Literature. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994.

Bennett, Paula. Poets in the Public Sphere: The Emancipatory Project of American Women’s Poetry, 1800-1900. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003. LND PS310.F45 B46 2003

Berlant, Lauren. The Female Complaint: The Unfinished Business of Sentimentality in American Culture. Raleigh: Duke University Press, 2008.

Botshon, Lisa and Meredith Goldsmith, eds. Middlebrow Moderns: Popular American Women Writers of the 1920s. Boston: Northeastern UP, 2003.

Brodhead, Richard. Cultures of Letters: Scenes of Reading and Writing in Nineteenth-Century America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Cole, Jean Lee. “Me: A Book of Remembrance and the ‘Woman of Genius.’ Chapter 3 of The Literary Voices of Winnifred Eaton: Redefining Ethnicity and Authenticity. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2002. LND/USMAI PR9199.3.W3689 Z64

Colecott, Diana. H.D. and Sapphic Modernism. NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999. LND/USMAI PS3507.O726 Z615 1999

Dobson, Joanne. “Reclaiming Sentimental Literature.” American Literature 69.2 (1997): 263-288.

Fetterley, Judith, and Marjorie Pryse. Writing Out of Place: Regionalism, Women, and American Literary Culture. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2003.

Garvey, Ellen Gruber. Writing with Scissors: American Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Girard, Melissa. “Who’s for the Road? Poet Lore, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and the Open Road of Nineteenth-Century Poetry.” Poet Lore 109.3-4 (Fall/Winter 2014): 119-134. Download PDF.

Glenn, Susan. Female Spectacle: The Theatrical Roots of Modern Feminism. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2000.

Glazener, Nancy. Literature in the Making: A History of U.S. Literary Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century. NY: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Hardwig, Bill. Upon Provincialism: Southern Literature and National Periodical Culture, 1870-1900. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2013.

Huf, Linda. The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman: The Writer as Heroine in American Literature. NY: F. Ungar, 1983. LND/USMAI PS374.W6 H78 1983

Hutchison, Coleman. Apples and Ashes: Literature, Nationalism, and the Confederate States of America. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2012.

Kaplan, Amy. The Anarchy of Empire in the Making of U.S. Culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002. (See especially chapters 1, “Manifest Domesticity,” and 3, “Romancing the Empire.” “Manifest Domesticity” is also available via JSTOR [cite that version if that is what you end up using].)

Latham, Sean and Gayle Rogers. Modernism: Evolution of an Idea. London: Bloomsbury, 2015.

Lauter, Paul. “Race and Gender in the Shaping of the American Literary Canon.” Feminist Studies 9.3 (Autumn 1983): 435-463.

Lears, T. J. Jackson. No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Levine, Lawrence. Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988.

Loeffelholz, Mary. From School to Salon: Reading Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Morrisson, Mark S. The Public Face of Modernism: Little Magazines, Audiences, and Reception, 1905-1920. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.

Ohmann, Richard. Selling Culture: Magazines, Markets, and Class at the Turn of the Century. NY: Verso, 1998.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999.

Putzi, Jennifer, and Alexandra Socarides, eds. A History of Nineteenth-Century Women’s Poetry. NY: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Scholes, Robert and Clifford Wulfman. Modernism in the Magazines: An Introduction. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2010

Starke, Aubrey Harrison. Sidney Lanier: A Biographical and Critical Study. New York: Russell & Russell Inc., 1964. Print.

Trachtenberg. Alan. The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age. NY: Hill & Wang, 1982.

Wexler, Laura. Tender Violence: Domestic Visions in an Age of U.S. Imperialism. 2e. Durham: Duke UP, 2000.

Baltimore/Maryland History

Knipp, Anna Heubeck, and Thaddeus Thomas. The History of Goucher College. Baltimore: Goucher College, 1938.

Petersen, Peter B. The Great Baltimore Fire. Baltimore: The Press at the Maryland Historical Society, 2004.

Rudacille, Deborah. “Baltimore Blues: Gertrude Stein at Johns Hopkins.” Originally published in Baltimore Style, Nov. 2008.

Shivers, Frank R. Maryland Wits and Baltimore Bards: A Literary History with Notes on Washington Writers. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985. (Note: this project responds quite directly & critically to this book.)

Primary Sources

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. “The Yellow Wallpaper” (story of a woman writer being “cured.”). New England Magazine, 1892; widely anthologized.

———. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. 1898. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Howells, William Dean. The Rise of Silas Lapham (novel; 1885). Novel about a paint manufacturer’s rise and fall in Boston society. Subplot focuses on the cultivation of taste–and reading habits–in the Lapham daughters, aided by Boston socialite Tom Corey.

James, Henry. “Greville Fane” (story of a best-selling woman novelist at the end of her long, regret-filled life).

Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Country of the Pointed Firs (novel focusing on female friendship and family, set in New England, woman writer as protagonist). 1896.

Jordan, Elizabeth. Tales of the City Room (stories centering on women journalists). NY: Scribner’s, 1898. LND/USMAI and HathiTrust

Reese, Lizette Woodworth. A Victorian Village: Reminiscences of Other Days (memoir by one of the WLCB’s most illustrious members). NY: Farrar and Rinehart, 1929. LND PS2693 .V5 1929a

Veblen, Thorstein. Theory of the Leisure Class. 1899.

Wharton, Edith. “The Quicksand” (story of a woman enriched and also corrupted by the yellow press).

———. “Writing a War Story” (1919). Edith Wharton, Collected Stories. NY: Library of America, 2001.

Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One’s Own. 1929.