Minutes of Club Meetings

At every meeting, the Recording Secretary took notes of the proceedings, which she then copied later into the official minutes books. On occasion, other officers or Club members took notes or transcribed the minutes on the Secretary if she was absent from a meeting or otherwise unable to perform her duties. The records of meeting minutes are remarkably complete, attesting to their importance to the Club.

Minutes are organized by seasons, which began in October and ended in May or early June. Salons were held roughly monthly and often included musical performances as well as readings of poetry and essays, and addresses to the Club from Club officers and notable guests. Board of Managers meetings were held bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the needs of the Club. In these meetings, Club officers made organizational decisions regarding finances, membership, governance, and other procedural matters. The meeting type is indicated within each transcribed document.

The Maryland Center for History and Culture holds documents containing minutes through 1925, which are in the process of being transcribed and edited.

Spring 1890
1890-1891 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895
1895-1896 1896-1897 1897-1898 1898-1899 1899-1900
1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905
1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910
1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915
1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920