1894 Constitution

Constitution of the “Woman’s Literary Club” of Baltimore.1

Article 1. Name and Object.

Section 1. The name of this association shall be The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore.

Section 2. The object of this club shall be the advancement of its members in literature, and their association for the discussion of the questions of the day–literary, artistic, social and political, by written papers, and otherwise.

Article 2. Officers and Directors.

Section 1. There shall be six officers of the Club, namely “ a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer who, together with six Directors, shall constitute the Board of Management, in which shall be vested the government of the Club.

Section 2. The officers and three Directors shall be chosen at each annual meeting by ballot, and shall begin their term of office the first Tuesday in June. Three of the six Directors shall be elected annually to serve for two consecutive years.


Section 3. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Club, and be Chairman of the Board of Management.

She shall, with the Recording Secretary, sign all written contracts of the Club, and appoint two Auditors annually. She shall also appoint the Chairmen of the standing committees.

Section 4. In the absence of the President, the Officer next in rank shall discharge the duties of her office.

Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings, shall preserve the records of the Club, and, with the President, sign all written contracts.

Section 6. The Corresponding Secretary shall issue notices of all meetings, notify new members of their election, and conduct the correspondence of the Club.

Section 7. The Treasurer shall collect, and, under the direction of the Board of Management, shall disburse the funds.

She shall report to the Board of Management when desired, and read a


report, previously audited, at the annual meeting of the Club.

Article 3. Board of Management.

Section 1. No expenses shall be incurred in excess of the funds already in the treasury.

Section 2. The Board of Management shall have power to fill, from the ranks of the Club, vacancies in its own body, occurring during the Club year.

Section 3. The Board of Management shall exercise the right, at its members’ discretion, of inviting strangers visiting the city, who may be distinguished in science, literature or art, to partake of the priviliges of the Club during their stay.

Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Management shall be called by the Corresponding Secretary at the order of the President, or upon the written request of three members of the Board.

Section 5. Seven members of the Board of Management shall constitute a quorum.


Article 4. Members.

Section 1. Members shall be chosen from women over twenty one years of age who are interested in intellectual pursuits, and willing when called upon to prepare a paper, or engage in a discussion upon some topic of common interest.

Section 2. It shall be further understood that the women of this association have banded themselves together in the hope of encouraging by their influence right and serious views of life and literature, and that the acceptance of membership in this Club shall be considered a tacit admission of this purpose.

Section 3. Moreover, that any member who persistently refused to comply with the requirements of the Club as set forth in Section 1 shall, after remonstrance, be considered to have withdrawn from the Club.

Section 4. The Club shall consist of Resident, Non-Resident, and Honorary Members. Members residing in the city of Baltimore, or within ten miles from the city limits, shall be classed as Resident, all others as Non-Resident Members.

Non-Resident and Honorary Members


shall not be entitled to vote or hold office, and shall bear no share in the property of the Club. Honorary Membership shall be extended only to those who will confer distinction upon the Club, and by invitation of the Board of Management.

Section 5. Names of candidates for Membership shall be sent to the Recording Secretary one month before the day appointed for the election of new members. All names shall be presented in writing, by a member, endorsed by two members all of at least one year’s standing, none of whom shall belong to the Board of Management. In proposing a name for membership it shall be stated that such a person is able and willing to comply with Section 1. Article 4. Members may propose and also endorse but one name annually.

The Board shall vote by ballot upon names proposed, two negative votes preventing an election.

Section 6. The meetings of the Board for the election of new members shall be held twice a year, on the first Tuesday in May and the first Tuesday in January, and those persons elected shall be admitted to full membership on the first Tuesday in June and the first Tuesday in February.


Article 5.

Section 1. The annual dues of resident members shall be ten dollars, payable in advance, one half on the first day of October, and one half on the first day of February. The annual dues of Non-Resident members shall be five dollars, payable in advance, on the first day of October.

Section 2. When the dues of any member shall remain unpaid for two months, the Treasurer shall notify her of the fact. After such notification, the privilege of voting shall be withheld until dues are paid.

Section 3. Members who have not sent in their resignations before the first of October, or first of February shall be held liable for half year dues.


Article 6. Meetings.

Section 1. The annual meeting of the Club for the election of Officers and Directors and the reading of the Treasurer’s report shall be held on the last business Tuesday in May.

Section 2. Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on all Tuesdays from October to first Tuesday in June, inclusive, at 3:30 P.M. except on the days appointed for the business and annual meetings. On the last Tuesday in each month, there shall be a Salon with an hour for discussion.

Section 3. Two business meetings shall be held during the year, on the first Tuesday in February and the first Tuesday in May, at which meetings the Chairmen of the standing Committees shall be required to read reports of their work. At no other meetings shall business be in order and to such meetings members only shall be admitted. Special meetings of the Club shall be called by order of the President or on the request of twenty members.


Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall send notifications of a special meeting to each member of the Club, stating the business to be transacted at such meeting, no other business being then in order.

Section 5. Thirty members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except for constitutional amendments when a majority of the Club must be present.


Article 7. Amendments.

Section 1. No alteration of the Constitution shall be made unless the same be proposed at a business meeting and be finally adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members present at a subsequent business meeting.

Section 2. The Board of Management shall be authorized to frame a code of By-Laws for the Club, which shall be printed for the use of the members. Any changes which may be desired from time to time shall be suggested by the Board and decided by vote of the Club.

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Elizabeth Brown Davis. June 5, 1894. Katharine B. Noble. Ariana Trail Belt. “ “ “ Harriet L. Westcott Hill. E. D. Price. “ “ Margaret Pennington. “ “ Annie Weston Whitney. “ “ Katharine Gross Spear. June 5, ‘94. Margaret A. McGaw. June 5th ‘94. Ellen Duvall Mar2

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Emma Fenwick Brent, President. Lydia Crane, Recording Secretary. Caroline Bullock, Treasurer.


A. B. C. Dammann Julia Grace Balch Maud Graham Early Alice E. Lord Mary F. Grace Letitia H. Wrenshall


Mary E. Evans Lizette W. Reese Maria W. Miller Elizabeth M. Reese Imogen George Elizabeth T. Graham Rebecca Lloyd Shippen. Louise Malloy Anne Cullington Bertha B. Hammel



Esteeming it a privilege to belong to the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore, I will be loyal to its aims and methods, carefully guarding its reputation, and striving to increase its influence, so long as I retain my membership.

Transcribed document held at the Maryland Center for History and Culture, Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore Collection, MS 988

  1. Handwritten manuscript, dated Nov. 27, 1894, included in the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore collection, MS 988, Box 3, at the beginning of the notebook of meeting minutes dated Dec. 26, 1893-June 9, 1894. 

  2. This appears to be a partial name.