Pearl Daniels (Mrs. Philip R.) Uhler (1859-1947)

Pearl Uhler was a longtime member of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore, contributing especially to the administration of the Club. Pearl was raised in Baltimore the daughter of a sea captain, William B. Daniels and a milliner, Julia A. Dutton. Pearl graduated from the Eastern Female High School and was active in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Messiah, helping to operate a sewing school which supported mission work in Africa.

In 1886 she became the second wife of Philip R. Uhler, Librarian and Provost of the Peabody Institute. Philip Uhler helped the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore find a home at the Academy of Sciences in 1891, and his wife Pearl was invited to join the Club in 1894. Pearl quickly joined the club’s administration serving on the Board of Managers for 6 terms beginning in 1896, followed by 11 years as the Recording Secretary.

Pearl occasionally presented papers as a member of the Committee on Essays but was more active organizing others as chair of the committees on Archaeology, Unfamiliar Records, and the Club library.The Uhlers’ importance to the Club was demonstrated when Dr. Uhler died in 1913, and they postponed the season’s opening meeting out of respect.


“The Sewing School,” Baltimore Sun April 8, 1878, p. 1.

“Mrs. Pearl D. Uhler,” Baltimore Sun November 12, 1947, p. 9.

Contributor: Cynthia Requardt