Emily Emerson Lantz (1862-1931)

Emily Emerson Lantz (1862-1931) was a Baltimore native and a contributor to the Baltimore Sun’s literary department. Lantz was one of the more progressive women in the Club, with many of her articles discussing women in the workplace, women writers, as well as notable women activists. Many of her articles also had to do with literature and topics exclusive to Maryland. Lantz was also a notable literary and historical critic who is recognized as a representative author of Maryland. Lantz was a member of the Woman’s Literary Club in the 1910s-1920s.


I See Dead People. “Emily Emerson Lantz.” Find a Grave, Jan. 8 2013. Accessed May 1, 2018.

Shepherd, Henry Elliot. The Representative Authors of Maryland. New York: Whitehall Publishing Company, 1911, 126.

Death announcement. Baltimore Sun, Apr. 24, 1931: 19.

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