Anne Weston Whitney (1849-1909)

Anne Weston Whitney

Anne “Annie” Weston Whitney was born in Massachusetts in 1849. She moved to Baltimore and was an extremely active Club member from 1892-1908, holding office as a Vice President and Chairman of many committees during those years. Whitney was also the secretary of the American Folk-Lore Society, and she published multiple collections of Maryland folk beliefs and superstitions. A volume of her writings, compiled with fellow member Caroline Canfield Bullock, was published posthumously in 1925, under the title Folk-Lore in Maryland.

News articles were published about Whitney’s curiosity for folklore and passion for research, and she remained a prominent Club member, even after her move to New York in 1908, until her death the following year.


Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore. Board of Managers Minutes, November 4th, 1909. Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore Papers, MS 988 Box 4 Book 7, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MD.

Ward, Robert L. “[Family: Whitney, Milton (1823-1875)](,Milton(1823-1875)” last modified 19 May 2015.

The American Folklore Society. “Officers of the American Folklore Society.” Journal of American Folklore 9 (1898): 320.

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