Lucy Randolph Cautley (Mrs. Richard K.) (1854-1937)

Lucy Randolph Cautley

Lucy Randolph Daniel was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1854. Little is known of her early life. She and her husband, Richard K. Cautley, had three sons; her eldest worked at Cornell University, where Cautley attended summer classes as an adult. Cautley strongly identified as a Southerner, which was evident through her writing and her involvement as an officer for six years for the New York division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Cautley was a member of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore from 1894 to 1910. She was active on the Club’s Board of Management from 1898 to 1900, then co-vice president from 1900-1903. She shared numerous short stories and poems within the Club meetings. However, only few of her works were ever published. Her most widely read piece is a poem titled “Betrayal” that appeared in Harper’s Monthly. Cautley Died July 6th, 1937. She was 83.


Richard K. Cautley


Confederate States of America. Minutes of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of Confederacy. Richmond Press, Inc., 1918.

“Cornell University. Official Publications of Cornell University. 14th ed., vol. 11, Cornell University, 1911.

Lucy Randolph Daniel Cautley (1854-1937).” Find A Grave. Accessed May 1, 2018.

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